Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Assignment Two

Business WritingAcademic Writing
Original writing: Write an email to a colleague at the office, asking her if you can borrow her office for an hour for an important meeting. Her office is nicer and more private than yours. You do not know this colleague well, so you want to make your request formal and polite. Original writing: You are assigned to review a film or television show for your writing course. It should be short, formal, academic, and objective: 150-250 words. You may pick any television show or movie you have seen recently. 
Change the formality of the original: Rewrite the same email, but now imagining that the two of you are good friends who often socialize together outside of work. Change the formality of the original: Rewrite the same review, but make it humorous and informal. You are writing for your classmates, not your instructor. 
Change the tone of the original: Now imagine that this coworker has been uncooperative in the past, and you have had many disagreements with her. You have asked her once about her office, and she has not answered your email. Write a second email, still polite, but with a more insistent tone about your request.
Good Day [ ],
I hope this email finds you well.  I am requesting the use of your office for an important meeting I have coming up.  My office is not as nice as yours nor does it offer as much privacy.  If this is possible, your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Hi [ ],

How are you doing?  Hopefully we can get together and talk real soon, maybe get together for lunch sometime this week.  In the meantime, I have a meeting coming up and your office is much nicer than mine.  Also, your office has more privacy, whcih is really important right now.  Please let me know of your availability so I will know the best time to schedule the meeting.  

Hopefully, you can come through for me, as I can be flexible.  In the meantime, be thinking about where we can meet for drinks, my treat!

Hello [ ],

I was just following up on my previous email, which was a request to use your office for an upcoming meeting.  The reason why I need this is because your office has privacy and is much nicer than mine.  Not sure if you've been busy or there's another matter in need of resoltion, I'd really appreciate your feedback as soon as possible.  By replying with days and times that your office won't be in use is of great help to me and the company.  I will try to work with your schedule and look forward to hearing back sometime within the next 24 hours.  

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